by Bárbara Palacios | Aug 17, 2024 | Post
I have found many answers that I have always sought about who we are, why we are here, why things happen, and why we need to grow or evolve. These answers reveal a fundamental truth: we are energy. We are not just people or human beings; we are souls in this...
by Bárbara Palacios | Aug 10, 2024 | Post
Gestational loss or abortion are deeply painful events that can leave an emotional and energetic mark on those involved. While grief is a personal and unique process, there are energetic tools and rituals based on the principles of Bert Hellinger’s Family...
by Bárbara Palacios | Oct 5, 2021 | Post
Maternity has to do with an inexplicable level of self-discovery and full-blown unconditional love. Questions popped into my head since pregnancy: How is it that everything the mother feels affects the baby? Why or how does a baby choose to be born in the womb of a...
by Bárbara Palacios | Aug 23, 2020 | Post
The origins of Reiki goes back thousands of years when our ancestors used their hands to heal, just like the story goes by Jesus. In the 20th century, the Japanese doctor Mikao Usui modernized this technique and gave it structure. He himself trained to become a healer...