I have found many answers that I have always sought about who we are, why we are here, why things happen, and why we need to grow or evolve. These answers reveal a fundamental truth: we are energy. We are not just people or human beings; we are souls in this world, with a physical body that allows us to experience time on this earthly plane, which we call life.

The Journey of the Soul

The life we are going to live is decided by us before we are born. We choose where, when, and to whom we will be born, as well as how and when we will leave this world. Although we do not consciously remember this choice, everything resonates with it in our energetic field. From the moment we arrive, we are connected to the physical world, to the beings that inhabit it, and to the stars in our solar system. Nothing is a coincidence; the universe is perfect in its functioning and expansion, just as we are in its likeness.

The Energy of the Universe Within Us

If we observe our body, we can see patterns that reflect the solar system. Our eyes, fingerprints, moles, and even our organs coexist in perfect symbiosis, much like the planets orbiting a sun or a higher consciousness. The sun, as a source of energy, is vital to our existence. Through food, we absorb that energy, which is essential for our life.

Every human being is unique, even those who share the same genetic code or are born on the same day. This uniqueness is reflected in how we choose to experience life. Just as a stone thrown into a lake creates ripples that expand from the center outward, we too expand from our core, our soul, outward into the world.

The Ego and Disconnection

Living from our core allows us to use the necessary tools to grow and find answers within ourselves. However, some choose to live from the outside in, disconnected from their consciousness. These people seek external validation, live according to “what others will say,” and base their existence on ego. Selfishness, often unconscious, does not allow expansion from the core nor the giving of genuine love; instead, it seeks to absorb love from others.

Selfishness arises when we disconnect from our essence. No one is born disconnected; babies are the most conscious human beings and are aligned with natural patterns. However, as we grow, we are influenced by our experiences, our parents’ choices, and our environment. “Nourishment” is not just food; it is everything we absorb in the form of energy or vibration, including music, personal relationships, and other stimuli.

The Influence of Our Environment

The quality of what we consume directly affects our energy. A living, expanding food, like a carrot, nourishes not only our body but also our energetic vibration. On the other hand, processed or low-vibration foods can negatively affect our energy, perpetuating a cycle of imbalance.

Water, which should be a pure source of energy, is now contaminated with substances like fluoride, which block the proper functioning of our organs. Similarly, education, often influenced by external interests, and media, filled with low-vibration stimuli, shape our perception and belief system.

The Path to True Happiness

Living disconnected from our essence is exhausting, discouraging, and eventually, makes us ill. All illnesses have a physical component, but their origin is energetic. We become tired of seeking happiness outside, believing that material success will fulfill us when, in reality, true happiness arises from within, from our core.

When we feel love within ourselves and share it, we create a positive resonance that connects with others. This ability to connect energetically is something innate, and it is stronger in children, who are less “intoxicated” by external influences.

The Universal Source

We all come from the same source, which some call God, universal consciousness, or the origin of the Big Bang. This source is powerful and energetic, and each of us carries a part of it in our DNA. By being aware of this connection, we realize our own power. We do not need an external battery to live; we are beings of energy, capable of sharing that energy with others.

One practice that allows us to share this energy is Reiki, an alternative medicine that works like an “energy reset.” Through the hands, energy is transmitted that helps to balance our body, releasing blockages and restoring the natural flow of energy.

Surrendering to the Whole is Fundamental to Experiencing It

Understanding that everything is energy allows us to see life from a different perspective. We are part of a perfect universe, connected to a powerful source that guides and nurtures us. By living from our core, in tune with our true essence, we can expand, share love, and achieve a state of peace and balance. The key is to always remember who we are and where we come from: we are energy.